What Happens if I See my Counselor in Public?

So you run into your counselor in the grocery store…is this horrifying, exciting, or awkward? What do you do and what can you expect?

What happens if I run into my therapist in public?

What if I run into my counselor in public?

You are not crazy if you are wondering about this. It happens! You’re minding your own business trying to have coffee with a friend, and in walks your therapist! Maybe this is exciting to you because you’ve never seen your counselor in public. It might be terrifying - it’s like everyone can see all of your secrets walking around the coffee shop on her clothing! It also might feel uncomfortable, like you suddenly just don’t know how to be.

Rest assured, if this happens to you, life will go on. Since you and your counselor likely live in somewhat close proximity, it’s not terribly unlikely to happen, and your counselor should be prepared. If your counselor hasn’t already prepared you for this possibility, here’s what you might be able to expect -

Is it rude if I don’t greet my counselor when I see them in public?

Some people feel obligated to greet their counselor, smile at them, or engage them in conversation if they see them in public. Here’s the thing: you can do whatever you want! Your counselor will not take offense if you don’t stop to say hello! We know it can be unsettling to see your therapist in your daily life, and we hold no expectations of you in this situation.

Will my counselor say hello to me?

I’ll preface this by reminding you that not all counselors are the same. However, mostly likely your counselor will not say hello to you of their own accord. This is because we carry our identity of “counselor” wherever we go, and we want to protect you. Most counselors will treat you the same way they would treat a stranger to protect your identity. Probably, your counselor will follow your lead. If you say hello, they’ll likely give you a friendly hello back. If you ignore them, they’ll give you space.

Will my counselor protect my confidentiality?

Hopefully you’re gathering that protecting your confidentiality is what is at the forefront of your therapist’s mind in these scenarios! Yes, your counselor is trying to protect your confidentiality! Not only will your counselor keep confidential what you have shared with them, they will even protect their knowledge of you if you don’t engage them in public.

So, don’t panic if you run into your therapist in public! While every counselor is different and may not act in exactly the same way, they probably have your best interests, your comfort, and your confidentiality at the front of their brains if they see you in public. Their feelings won’t be hurt if you don’t say hello and you get to take the lead! And it can definitely be discussed in your next session if that would make you feel more comfortable. Breathe easy!


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