Relationship Counseling

Find hope for relationship challenges

Relationships are complicated!

All relationships worth keeping get a little sticky!

Maybe you’ve landed here because your marriage is struggling, or it could be you’ve endured one too many friendship breakups, have ongoing conflict with your family, or always feel like you have no close friends. All relationships can be troublesome, and the pain of relationship distress can be all-consuming.

We were made to be in relationship with other people.

The people around us make up so much of our lives and that’s why it hurts so bad when they leave. We want to keep the people we love close to us! Fear of losing the people we love runs deep, and its scary to imagine moving forward in life without them.

Counseling can help you have healthier relationships.

Whether you’ve endured a particularly painful relationship challenge or you are feeling like your relationships have always been unfulfilling, counseling can make such a difference. Together, we can navigate the pain you’re feeling, discover what you hope for, define what a fulfilling relationship looks like for you, and discuss action steps. You don’t have to be stuck alone.